Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ramdom Snapshots from a Sunday Walk

Last week's weather was amazing, therefore I decided to walk from CCNY to my house. I do not understand why I take pictures of everything?! Wait a second that's my career. 

Is there a gate for Dominicans? 

Yes, It's a church! Forgot the name. 

I love the smell of gasoline. I really do....

Look at the bluish sky and the old lady standing by the window. 


santa lily said...

The Bible speaks of Cannabis healing “New Testament, Jesus… anointed [his disciples] with [a] potent entheogenic [psychoactive substance] oil, sending out the 12 apostles to do the same [around the year 30 AD].ProCon.Org

Dating Sites Livermore said...

It sounds like you had an enjoyable walk with some interesting observations.